Sunday, May 31, 2009

Venice Gondola Ride

We went for it and took the kids on a gondola ride in Venice - you only live once right? Anyway it was so cool. We got on right by the Church that was used in the Indianna Jones Movie and ended in the Grand Canal .

Sophie singing! This about sums up the ride - Olivia was mortified...along with the fact that she was nervous.
Check out the church in the back - it was in Indiana Jones!

Some crazy windowboxes!

How many kids can say they have taken a gondola ride in Venice??
Some of the Canals were pretty narrow. We had to pull over a few times to let other boats pass.

This is one of the few places where the gondolas and other boats have maintenance done.

Another boat repair shop. There were kayakers on the canal as well!

Out in the Grand Canal.

The kids enjoying thier ride.

Another shot of the Canal.

It was just so pretty! This was a great garden out on the water.

Leading out to the Grand Canal

I think Sophie made the Gondolier's day - they sang and laughed - it was really fun!

1 comment:

Jim & Mary Lou said...

You all look so happy! Why was Olivia mortified and nervous? I would love to hear her sing.
Love to all.