Sunday, November 1, 2009

Wein (Vienna), Austria

After going to Budapest we spent a few days in Beautiful Vienna, Austria.
Here are some photos from our trips. Yep - there is a Harley shop in Vienna!
We ate at the World Famous Figlmuller Restaurant in Vienna - where they have das Grosser Schnitzel!! Wolfgang is eating the "small portion"!!
You can see Jeff's big portion above - bigger than the plate even!! It was super good!
Our crazies at Figlmuller
This was a neat observatory in Vienna called Urania.
This is Stephansdom (St. Stephen's Cathedral) - the gods were against me seeing this one up close - I guess. We visited it 3 separate times and each time it was either closed or services were going on. So my photos are from the back only. Also it was surrounded by scaffolding because they were giving it a well needed bath. The interior of St. Stephen's

Services going on!

See how dirty it is! More interior - I love the floor!
Zoom in of the alter in the above photo - it was on the left side of the church.
Wolfgang and Wolfgang at a store near Stephansdom

The cool roof of St. Stephen's
St. Stephan's lit up at was a sight!

Liv, Sophie & Jeff with Mozart

Sophie always ready to strike a pose
In the gardens of the Hofburg Palace

Wolfgang and Wolfgang in the gardens of the Hofburg Palace
In the courtyard of the Hofburg palace there was a static display of military vehicles - for what we thought was the anniversary of their October Revolution...Here Jeff, Sophie and Wolf stand in front an improvised road machine.

Hofburg Palace

More Hofburg Palace

The Starbucks right across from the Vienna State Opera House

The fountain outside the Opera House all lit up at night

Jeff standing in front of the State Vienna Opera House "Staatsoper"

The Opera House Fountain during the day

We took a tour of the "Staatsoper" the State Vienna Opera House - was recommended as a "must see". Definitely worth it! The Opera House was amazing and I am sure my photos do it no justice.... We definitely want to make it back to attend a performance!

The main entrance stairs into the Opera House

Olivia posing in opera wear while waiting for our tour

You can see the boxes of the opera house here - they seat 6 persons each . Each year they have their annual Ball - each of those boxes goes for 17,000 euro plus you had to buy tickets for each individual person's seat. It also did not include any food or drink!

This is the one middle back - VIP box for sure!

During our tour we got to go up on the stage - this is what you saw as you looked u

Wolfgang Stage Left

The kids on the main staircase. The 3 covered windows you see behind them were in past days the emperors room. Our guide told us that people used to come to the Opera not to watch it but to socialize and when the lights were on behind those windows you might catch a glimpse of the emperor...though rarely did he show himself.

another shot inside the Opera House

This is the emperor's room - however it is not much used anymore. They do rent it out for groups to use for intermission but it cost around 300 Euros - for a 15 minute intermission!

Here are the 3 windows from inside the emperor's room

This is one of the rooms where folks can go during intermission - it is original to the building - a good portion of the building was damaged by bombing in WWII.
A wall in the room above.
This was the "tapestry room" it was damaged in the bombing. It used to be a bunch of individual rooms where the head opera guy lived but after the bombing they made it a single room - filled with tapestries. This was the entry way to where the Lipizzaner Stallions preformed. We were planning on going to a performance but at 105 Euros a ticked we opted for the tour of the stables. Next time we go back we will attended a "morning practice" session. The girls really liked this tour!

  • We were not allowed to take photos - or even touch the stallions during the tour but there was windows from the walkway that ran by the stables where we took some photos. The Stallions were beautiful.

    The kids outside the stables Another shot of the stable building.