Sophie just came in and has a rosy glow from being out in the snow!

The ganster sweeping out the drive for his dad :)

Or is he just using the broom as a guitar...or sword...or gun...or who knows but the drive is swept!

Look at that pretty girl! Olivia is stand in front of our lavender house :)

Here is our front garden and our lovely german street. We like our small quiet town.

Here is the drive and my snowy truck that does not fit in any of our garages...dang it. There is a garage straight ahead - and that long building to the right is another garage that can take both our little cars.

A shot of the kids from the front door....well my feet were cold as I stupidly went out in my bare feet to get a few shots of the kids sweeping the snow.

Oh and since I had the camera out I took a shot of the kitchen for Jen...she wanted to see. I think the only color of tile the Germans have is brown....But it is a big kitchen for German standards. We like it. Oh were is the fridge you ask? Well it is right by the window - yep it is that small. But the army graciously gave us a big one which is down in the basement.
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